Average salary at age 20
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Smiths and forge workers operate or direct the operation of power hammers and presses to shape heated metal to requirements and to make and repair a variety of metal articles by heating, hammering and bending.Main Tasks
- Reads and interprets order or blueprint to determine operational requirements;
- Heats or supervises the heating in furnace of metal to be forged;
- Positions or directs the positioning of heated metal on anvil or other work surface;
- Operates or directs operation of press or hammer and repositions workpiece between strokes;
- Uses special forging tools to shape and cut metal as required;
- Bends or shapes metal by hand forging methods using hammers, punches, drifts and other hand tools;
- Tempers and hardens forged pieces, as required, by quenching in oil or water;
- Fits and secures horses shoes.
There are no formal academic entry requirements. Training is usually via apprenticeships administered by professional associations and lasting up to four years. Apprenticeships incorporate technical training and practical experience and lead to recognised awards and membership of professional bodies.UK Prospects
Workforce Size
Predicted decline 2025 - 2035
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