Average salary at age 20
Average Salary
Average hours per week
Senior police officers plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the resources and activities of a specific geographical or functional area of generalised or specialised police work. Senior officers of the British Transport Police direct the specialised police service for the railway network across Britain.Main Tasks
- Liaises with senior officers to determine staff, financial and other short- and long-term needs;
- Plans, directs and co-ordinates general policing for an area or functional unit;
- Directs and monitors the work of subordinate officers;
- Establishes contacts and sources of information concerning crimes planned or committed;
- Directs and co-ordinates the operation of record keeping systems and the preparation of reports.
Promotion to the rank of inspector can be by qualifying examination. There are no qualifying examinations to ranks above inspector; promotion is by selection only. There are accelerated promotion schemes available. All police forces have age restrictions and medical requirements.UK Prospects
Workforce Size
Predicted growth 2025 - 2027
Predicted Replacement 2025 - 2027