£8,320 Average salary at age 20
£24,960 Average Salary
47 Average hours per week


Job holders in this unit group perform a variety of tasks in relation to the breeding and rearing of animals and fish, catch fish at sea and from inland waterways, assist in the picking and lifting of crops, plant and maintain hedges, oversee the incubation and hatching of eggs and perform other fishing and elementary agricultural tasks not elsewhere classified in MINOR GROUP 911: Elementary Agricultural Occupations.

Main Tasks

  • Assists with the shooting, hauling and repairing of nets, prepares, lays and empties baited pots at intervals, operates winches and lifting gear, and guts, sorts and stows fish;
  • Harvests oysters, mussels, clams and seaweed off natural or artificial beds, nets river fish and maintains them in spawning pens, assists with feeding and water treatment, and empties and cleans outdoor tanks;
  • Cleans animals’ quarters and renews bedding as necessary;
  • Extracts semen for storage, selects appropriate semen from store, injects recipient animal and issues certificate giving pedigree and date of insemination;
  • Incubates eggs in hatchery and supplies chicks for meat and egg production and game birds for reserves;
  • Plants cuttings or shrubs, maintains hedges by clipping, pruning and re-planting, and picks fruit, vegetables, hops and flowers;
  • Performs other farming and related tasks not elsewhere classified including sorting and marking livestock, catching rabbits, cutting peat, shearing sheep and sexing chickens.


There are no minimum academic entry requirements. Training is typically received on-the-job, supplemented by vocational training at an agricultural college. A variety of NVQs/SVQs in Agriculture, Fish Husbandry and Fishing Vessel Operations is available at Levels 1 and 2. Fishermen/women are required to undertake safety courses before and during the early stages of employment.

UK Prospects

30200 Workforce Size
5.55% Predicted decline 2025 - 2035

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