Average salary at age 20
Average Salary
Average hours per week
Bank and post office clerks deal with the payment and receipt of money, cheques and other routine financial transactions and open and close accounts. They advise upon financial products and services offered by banks, building societies and post offices.Main Tasks
- Deals with enquiries from customers, other banks and other authorised enquirers;
- Maintains records of transactions and compiles information;
- Advises customers on financial services and products available;
- Manages the operations of a sub-post office;
- Receives and pays out cash, cheques, money orders, credit notes, foreign currency or travellers cheques;
- Provides postal services, pays state pensions, unemployment and other state benefits to claimants, supplies official forms and documentation to the public, and performs other tasks specific to the activities of a post office.
There are no minimum academic requirements, although entrants usually possess GCSEs/S grades, A levels/H grades or an Advanced GNVQ/GSVQ Level III. On-the-job training is provided. NVQs/SVQs in relevant areas are available at Levels 2, 3 and 4.UK Prospects
Workforce Size
Predicted decline 2025 - 2035
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